Employment in the German NewSpace Industry (average FTE numbers by Value Chain Segmentation 2020)
Per November 2020, 92 NewSpace Companies employed a combined workforce of about 2,908 people. Most businesses (70%) employ 20 or less professionals. About 59% of the workforce was observed in the Upstream sector of which each Launch or Launch-service providing company...
Business age of the German NewSpace Industry 2020
The German NewSpace ecosystem is a young and fast-growing industry. Only 45% of the 92 in-scope German NewSpace Ventures in 2020 are between the ages of 11 and 20 years old. However, the majority of the businesses (55%) are 10 or less years old. 13% were founded...
Non-Granular Value Chain Segmentation German NewSpace Industry 2020
In 2020, the value chain analysis of the German NewSpace ecosystem suggests that most companies’ main business activities can be attributed to the Upstream market (50%). 38% of the businesses focus their main operations on the Downstream sector. The remaining share of...