Per November 2020, 92 NewSpace Companies employed a combined workforce of about 2,908 people. Most businesses (70%) employ 20 or less professionals. About 59% of the workforce was observed in the Upstream sector of which each Launch or Launch-service providing company employs a workforce of about 87.9 FTE’s on average (including employees of MT Aerospace AG). Within the Downstream activities, the Downlink segment related companies employ on average 49.8 FTE’s. Businesses of the “Other” market segment include predominantly consulting services in relation to space, engineering, project management, R&D or defense. This market accounts for about 8% of the jobs. The average workforce of this subsegment is 23.2 FTE.
Note: value chain segmentation in reference to Seraphim Spacetech Market Map 2019.

Source: German NewSpace Industry Report 2020 (Released 2021)
Image: Released 17/2/2021 | Updated 27/4/2021
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